The Martin Scout Ranch is located in Pilot Rock, Oregon. It is owned and operated as a partnership with Girl Scouts Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho and the Blue Mountain Boy Scout Council. The five- mile, 3,400 acre camp is a “leave no trace” environment. The camp is primarily mountainous and forested terrain, and offers a distinct change of venue for troops seeking a new camping experience. The property was a generous gift from the Randall Martin Estate to provide camping experiences in perpetuity.
The intent is to offer wilderness camping as early as May each year, depending on the weather. In addition, both organizations hope to offer backpacking, the Boy Scout jamboree, and "group" camping by troops, units, service units, adult training events and more. At this time, outdoor advanced camping for groups will be available in the spring and summer, with the approved training requirements and required adult ratio per group.
Don't forget to pack out what you pack in!
For both organizations, contact your respective councils to reserve camping or for more information. You will need to follow each organization’s policies and requirements prior to your trip. Usage fees for the property are listed on each council’s websites.
Boy Scouts - Visit or call (509) 735-7306
Girl Scouts - Email Customer Care or call (509) 747-8091